The Fetish Party Aka Fetish Parties For Dummies

Discussion in 'General Fetish' started by PVC Leatherman, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. PVC Leatherman

    PVC Leatherman New Member

    Dec 7, 2016
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    I wanted to delve into another creative side I knew I had, and published a book on Amazon Kindle about fetish parties. It's an introductory book for vanilla folks who have a kinky side, but don't really know how or where to express or exhibit that part of themselves. And for fetishers, it is fun reading, especially for those familiar with people mentioned in it.

    Anyone who is curious about them will find my book funny, fascinating, and easy to read. You will want to find out when and where the next fetish party is before you fully finish reading the book. Just watching the YouTube documentary, "I Am Fetish", which I mention in my book, will be enough to make you want to go!

    This is it, in both formats:

    Jediofthefeet aka PVC Leatherman [nom de plume]

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